The Bob White Wand

(Performance in at least Four Magical Disciplines)

About The Bob White Wand

The Bob White wand has been awarded at Newcastle Magic Circle since 1954.  It is always a fantastic competition to watch and take part in. The award itself is named after an ex-member of the circle, who contributed significantly to the growth of the nmc.

The Current holder of the Bob White Wand is Harry Bailey

Bob White Wand Trophy
The Bob White Wand
Harry Bailey, 2025 winner of The Bob White Wand

The Bob White Wand Rules

1. The trophy shall be competed for annually and presented to the winner at the Annual Dinner.
2. The competition is confined to Members of the Newcastle Magic Circle.
3. The competition shall comprise at least four sections from e.g. but not limited to,
Card effect, Children’s’ Effect, Mental Effect, Silk Effect, Sleight of Hand Effect (not necessarily a routine) or Transposition Effect.
The council will decide the categories at the AGM, and will aim to change the categories each year.
Further sections may be added by the Council should it be deemed desirable.
All members present on the occasion of the competition shall be asked to vote. Competitors cannot vote.
4. It is suggested that presentation of effect, topical appeal, dexterity, appearance of apparatus as well as originality be taken into account when judging. It should be borne in mind that originality alone is not the only the factor in influencing the person voting.
5. Competitors may nominate one or more of their effects or routines to be considered for entry into the Norsto Cup Competition for Originality. The organiser of the competition must be informed which effect or routine is being entered
6. The member gaining the highest total of points for the series of Competitions shall be the winner and hold the Trophy for one year, plus a smaller one to keep.
7. Points shall be awarded as follows: 1st – 3 points, 2nd – 2 points, 3rd – 1 point In the event of a tie for 1st place, the points shall be awarded: 1st – 2½ points each 3rd – 1 point (no 2nd place where there is a tie for 1st place) In the event of a tie for 2nd place, the points shall be awarded: 1st – 3 points 2nd – 1½ point each (no 3rd place where there is a tie for 2nd place) In the event of a tie for 3rd place, the points shall be awarded: 1st – 3 points, 2nd – 2 points 3rd – 1½ point each

In the unlikely event of more than one person having the same winning total points the person who has the most 1st places in the series shall be the declared winner. Should a tie still result, the trophy shall be held for 6 months by each winner.

Rules updated and issued January 2021, and agreed by the 2021 council of: Glenn Ward (pres.), Tony Junior (sec.), Michael Redfearn (treas.), Simon Jacobs (libr.), Robert Reed (welf.)