Lennox Shield Close-up Competition 2025
Monday 7th April 2025 | 7:30PM | Magicbox
Guest fees apply
Join us for the annual Lennox Shield Close-up Competition.
This competition is open to all members. If you would like to take part please let our Secretary know.
Email: nmcsecretary@outlook.com
About The Lennox Shield
The Lennox Trophy was first awarded to Dennis Dillon in 1992, when the competition first started.
The competition is for Close Up Magic and is held every year.
The Shield was named after Maurice Lennox who was a NMC President for 11 years.
The Current holder of the Lennox Shield is James Piatt.
The Lennox Shield Rules
1. The competition shall be held each year in the headquarters of the Newcastle upon Tyne Magic Circle unless otherwise decided by the Committee.
2. The Competition shall be open to all Members in good standing of the Newcastle upon Tyne Magic Circle.
3. The minimum number of competitors shall be there.
4. Each performance shall be between six and fifteen minutes. A verbal warning will be given after twelve minutes and another at fifteen minutes. Any competitor exceeding the time limit of fifteen minutes shall be disqualified.
5. A panel of three or more judges to be arranged.
6. The criteria for judging will be
7. Magical content
8. Entertainment
9. Appearance
10. The winner shall receive the trophy and retain it in safe keeping for a period of twelve month. A small trophy shall also be presented to be retained by the winner.
11. The Committee retains the right to withhold the trophy should they consider that no competitor has reached the required standard
This is free for members of the Newcastle Magic Circle.
Guest Fees are £15.00. If the visitor is a member of another magic club then it’s £10.00.
Please contact nmcsecretary@outlook.com for more information