The Newcastle Magic Circle has a strict joining process to ensure only those with a genuine interest in magic, whether it be as a hobby or as a professional, are able to join. 

All candidates should be 16 years or over and require to be proposed by two current members of the NMC. For those who do not know any of our members, our joining process allows you to meet the council and current members.


The first step in How to join Newcastle Magic Circle is to download and complete the Newcastle Magic Circle joining PDF form. Download the form here. Then email this to the secretary:

North East Magicians at Magic Circle


Once the application has been received, the council will discuss when we are able to commence the procedure, which is as follows:

a) Potential members are invited to attend an informal chat with the council about your interests in magic. The club is for 16 years and overs only.

b) Candidates then must attend 3 evenings at £15.00 per evening. This is to meet the council, current members, learn a little bit of what we do and to see if you, the council and the members think your membership would be of value to our circle. This process also helps achieve the two member signatures that are required to join

c) If the council think the potential member is right person to join the Circle, they are invited to audition in front of the members and council


d) The candidates will then be asked to leave after the audition while the nominated council/members discuss and vote on whether the person is right for our circle

e) The candidates will receive an email/letter with the outcome

f) If successful, a one-off £50.00 joining fee is required and the £75.00 annual fee. However, depending on time of year of the application and the duration of the joining process, as a goodwill token the NMC reduce the new member’s annual fee by the amount of payments received for evening visits (on condition potential member has already attended paid evening events). Again,this is also subject to the time of application & the duration of the joining process.  All potential new members will be made aware of this during their joining process.


The one off joining fee is £50.00 is a one-off payment
The annual membership is £75.00, the term runs from January to December.

Your first year is £120.00
Your following year would be £75.00 

To attend an evening as a non-member is:
£5.00: a members partner
£10.00: if visitor is a member of another magic club
£15.00: if not a member of another club.


The re- joining fee is £50.00 is a one-off payment
The annual membership is £75.00, the term runs from January to December.

Your first year is £125.00
Your following year would be £75.00

*There is no need for an audition for rejoining members



Cheques should be made payable to Newcastle Magic Circle and sent to
Glenn Ward, 3 Willlerby Drive, Whitebridge Park, Gosforth NE3 5LL

Paying by BACS: 
Bank: Barclays 
Select: Business option 
Name: Newcastle upon Tyne Magic Circle 
Sort Code: 20-62-09 
Account No: 23239330 
Ref: Your name