Devilish Double Discourse

Devilish Double Discourse – Newcastle Magic Circle

Monday 5th September 2022 | 7:30PM | Magicbox
Guest fees apply

Devilish Double Discourse at Magicbox

This Lecture is a Double Bill!
We have two lecturers, Daniel Dorian Johnson & Mick Wilson.

Daniel Dorian Johnson: Raw Material

Daniel has been working the streets and theatres of Newcastle for over a decade, making a living by providing audiences with solid laughs and incredible demonstrations of mystery and Skill.

Fresh off the success of the F.A.S.T project and Pocket-Friendly Cups and Balls, Daniel is bringing us some unreleased gems from his repertoire suitable for any skill level and every performance environment.

The effects shared in this lecture have been carefully chosen for their focus on streamlining methods and engaging premises, allowing you to focus on your audience’s enjoyment instead of which complex move comes next.

Daniel’s aim is to provide you with the material you can fit your own style and help you be the most engaging performer you can be.

Mick Wilson: Seeing is Disbelieving

Mick is proud to present his favourite effects that he performs more than any other magic. Each routine has been refined repeatedly and mick is going to tip the methods and all the subtleties he has added to these routines.

The lecture features 99% unreleased material, so unless you’ve seen mick perform these effects, they’ll be new to you. They are items that Mick has either created himself e.g. a deck equivoque that is “The fairest and cleanest to date” as Steve Cook put it. There are also routines that are immensely inspired by other effects, but now are unrecognisable from their original incarnation.

The only previously released item Mick will be sharing is his SDP (Spread Drop Placement) a booklet that was limited to 100 copies and featured card control that has fooled a great many knowledgable magicians and has received high praise from the Magic Community.

Overall the effects are created with the light-hearted approach in mind, not quite comedy magic but funny/dreadful enough to garner a giggle or at least a pleasant “Dad joke” moans from the audience. Mainly through Mick’s aim to share workable light-hearted effects that you may use, but even if you don’t, you’ll take subtleties behind them and integrate them into your existing routines.

you may forget Mick, the effects he performed, how he cured your insomnia, but you won’t forget how he made you feel!

This lecture is free for members of the Newcastle Magic Circle.
Guest Fees are £15.00. If the visitor is a member of another magic club then it’s £10.00.
Please contact for more information

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