Michael Ammar Lecture

Michael Ammar Lecture

Monday 05th May 2025 | 7:30PM | Magicbox
Guest fees apply

Michael Ammar is recognized as the world’s foremost teacher of magic. David Copperfield calls him “the magicians magician.” His book, The Magic of Michael Ammar, became the fastest selling book in magic history.

Michael has given instructional seminars worldwide, crossing all age, language, and distance barriers. Other professionals, including David Copperfield, David Blaine, and Siegfried & Roy have consulted with Michael for their magic.

His television credits include two appearances on The Tonight Show; The Late Show with David Letterman; CNN Headline News; World’s Greatest Magic; Travel Channel: Magic of LA; International Magic Awards; The World’s Best Magic Tricks EVER; and several appearances on Japanese and Korean television specials.

His ever-growing list of awards includes Magician of the Year; six awards for Best Lecturer from the Academy of Magical Arts; FISM Gold Medal in Close-Up Magic; two awards from the International Magic Awards; the Dragon Award; and West Virginia University’s Distinguished Alumni award winner in 2005, for achieving international recognition in his profession.

This is free for members of the Newcastle Magic Circle.
Guest Fees are £15.00. If the visitor is a member of another magic club then it’s £10.00.
Please contact nmcsecretary@outlook.com for more information

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